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Dr. Lim Khay Tham
Throughout his working life, Khay Tham has been singular in his vision to weave his Christian faith and its proclamation to serve the needs of the community. To equip himself, he embarked on a journey—punctuated by stints of full-time service—to be trained theologically. He first obtained a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Trinity Theological College, Singapore, and after some years, a Master of Arts in Theology from Durham University, England. After a further twenty years of Christian service, he proceeded to the University of Edinburgh, Scotland where he completed a PhD in Theology.
Besides the professional appointments he has held, Khay Tham has volunteered his services to various organisations such as the Asia Lausanne Committee, the National Council of Churches of Singapore, the Boys’ Brigade Asia, the Presidential Council on Religious Harmony, and Christian Columbarium Pte Ltd. He has also served as advisor to a few non-profit organisations.
Despite his busy schedule, Khay Tham is active in church, and serves as a Methodist local preacher. He becomes dean of the Discipleship Training Centre, Singapore in June 2020. He will also be rendering help in curriculum development and teaching at the Asian Pastoral Institute.