The Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies confers accredited credentials to believers who aspire to advance their theological training and development in Christian spirituality and ministries. Through a pedagogy that develops abilities and skills through guided experiential learning , the programme prepares students for full-time service in churches, Christian organisations, and missions.
Students are guided to appreciate organisational change management, and church administration. They are sensitised to managing group dynamics in small teams of pastoral and lay workers, resolving conflicts and smoothing communications in Christian ministries. Students integrate their learning to formulate a personal vision for world missions and cross-cultural ministries.
The students will be able to:
- cultivate competencies in the study and interpretation, teaching and preaching of the Word of God, public speaking and leadership, education and learning, and counselling and marriage life
- study in-depth selected books in Old and New Testamental studies, Christian theology and church history, and its contextualisation to engage communities in Asia.
- appreciate challenges in organisational change and development, management and administration of Christian ministries in churches, Christian organisations and the marketplace
- contextualise a Spirit-led theology for faithful Christian living in multi-cultural and multi-religious Asia
- develop, through experiential learning, a personal vision for world missions and cross-cultural ministries
IC4063 Asian Religions
This subject aims to introduce students to the beliefs and practices of the major religions in Asia. Students will look at the different religious worldviews concerning suffering, ultimate reality, death, afterlife and the end of the world. They will also review other faiths to discuss and compare with Christianity so as to build bridges to communicate the gospel more effectively.
BL3133 New Testament Studies (Gospels) – Luke*
This subject aims to introduce students to the content and theology of the Gospel of Luke, through an exegetical and interpretive study of the gospel. Students will learn to appreciate the literary structure and identify the key theological motifs in Luke’s portrayal of the universality of Jesus’ gospel. They will also learn to apply principles of exegesis to selected passages.
BL3143 New Testament Studies -1 Corinthians*
This subject aims to introduce students to the content and theology of the book of 1 Corinthians, through an exegetical and interpretive study of the epistle. Students will learn to appreciate the literary structure of the epistle and identify the key pastoral issues and theological motifs in 1 Corinthians within the larger context of Pauline theology. They will also learn to apply principles of exegesis to selected passages.
BL3103 Old Testament Studies (Pentateuch) – Genesis*
This subject aims to introduce students to the content and theology of the book of Genesis, through an exegetical and interpretive study of the book. Students will learn how to appreciate Old Testament narratives and identify key theological motifs in the book of Genesis from the primeval era to the age of the patriarchs. They will also learn to apply principles of exegesis to selected passages.
TH3143 Ecclesiology / Eschatology
This subject aims to introduce students to the concept of the Church (Ecclesiology) and the Second Coming of Christ (Eschatology). Ecclesiology covers the biblical, theological and historical development of the church. It also explores the call of the church and the types of government and leadership roles. Eschatology covers the various interpretations of the end time, the meaning of resurrection, heaven and hell, and the issue of Christian hope. Students will learn the implications of these concepts for Christian living.
IC4073 History of Missions
This subject aims to examine the history of Christian missions and the expansion of Christianity. Students will look at key personalities and events involved in the expansion of the frontiers of Christianity. They will also focus on the factors and missionary methodologies influencing the growth and development of Christian missions, and their application to missions in Asia today.
HD3173 Small Group Dynamics
This subject aims to provide students with a basic understanding of the theory and practice of small groups. Students will learn the theoretical perspectives of group dynamics, communication, leader-member relationships and conflict resolution. They will also learn experientially about groups through planning and organising small group activities.
PC4113 Basic Counselling Skills
This subject aims to introduce students to basic counselling theories and skills. Students will learn about various common counselling approaches and intervention frameworks with an emphasis on Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Model and Piaget’s Cognitive Development Model. Through the cognitive developmental approach, students will learn how to apply appropriate methods, processes, techniques and skills in counselling.
IC4053 East Asian Studies
This subject aims to introduce students to East Asian countries. Students will focus on the history, politics, sociology, economics, culture, religion and theology of these countries. They will understand the missiological implications and develop effective missionary strategies to preach the gospel in these countries.
BL4113 Old Testament Studies (Prophets) – Isaiah*
This subject aims to introduce students to the content and theology of the book of Isaiah, through an exegetical and interpretive study of the book. Students will learn to appreciate Old Testament prophetic literature and to identify key theological motifs in the book of Isaiah from Israel’s exile to her restoration. They will also learn to apply principles of exegesis to selected passages.
HD4223 Change and Organisation
This subject examines the concepts and theories of change in the organisational setting. It aims to help Christian leaders understand the phenomena of change and determine the impact and effects of change to the individual and the Christian organisation. The forces of change, and the motivations and resistances to change will also be examined to enable Christian leaders to bring change successfully in the Christian organisation.
PC4123 Developmental Theories in Counselling
This subject aims to help students develop a critical understanding of human developmental theories that covers the lifespan of a person. The popular theories discussed include Freud’s Psychosexual Development Theory, Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory, Piaget’s Cognitive Development Theory, Kohlberg’s Moral Development Theory and Fowler’s Faith Development Theory.
PC4103 Family Life
This subject aims to help students understand the defining characteristics of Christian marriage and family life, including the theological and sociological perspectives. Students will learn topics on family life, such as roles within the family, styles of parenting, principles of communication, marriage enrichment and sexuality. Lessons will also examine the stressors in family life and marriage.
HD4203 Leadership
This subject aims to help students develop and apply Christian leadership principles and practices in their service in church. Students will learn about the different leadership theories, including Chinese philosophical perspectives of leadership. In addition, students will examine the issue of power, and the impact of leadership on organisational concerns such as change and learning.
TH4163 Pneumatology
This subject aims to introduce students to the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. Students will trace the biblical, historical and theological development of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. They will also examine the issues involved in the study of the Holy Spirit, and their social, pastoral and missiological implications in the Asian context.
HD4113 Public Speaking
This subject aims to help students explore the different stages of the communication process and to effectively communicate with the audience. Students will learn to plan, prepare and deliver speeches and expository sermons from different genres. Students will deliver sermons and receive evaluation from fellow students and the instructor.
HD4213 Theories of Educational Psychology
This subject aims to introduce students to the major theories in the psychology of teaching and learning. Topics covered in the subject will include theories of human development, behavioural theories of learning, cognitive theories of learning, motivation of students and creation of effective learning environments. Student will also discuss the impact of these theories on teaching and learning. The subject will also include a discussion of cultural diversity in the learning process in the Asian context.
The apprenticeship programme consists of a series of supervised field education modules. The programme seeks to develop competencies in the study and interpretation, teaching and preaching of the Word of God, public speaking and leadership, education and counselling, etc. through experiential learning.
*or other Old Testament or New Testament books
Applicants must complete the Diploma in Pastoral Studies or its equivalent before admission into the Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies programme.
Standards for Admission
In general, admission to the Asian Pastoral Institute is based upon Christian commitment and experience, as well as academic record. Applicants must have a recognised diploma or a full A-level certificate (2 As and 2 AOs or 2 H2s and 2 H1s) or its equivalent, and two Forms of Reference from a pastor / church elder and one other Christian leader from their church. If an applicant does not meet the minimum academic requirements, the applicant may be considered for probationary or special admission depending on the merits of the case.
Graduation Requirements
The Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies is a 162-credit programme. Students would be awarded a Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Studies if they
- successfully complete 50 taught modules with a GPA of minimally 2.3 out of 4
- fulfil all requirements of 720 hours of apprenticeship
- demonstrate a godly character, integrity, and discipline in guided supervision
- fulfil all requirements within the maximum candidature of ten years
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